LTU - Allied Design Studio - Sustainable Community

          This studio was an allied studio which means we worked in two person teams.  The idea was to create multi-income, sustainable housing.  After many trips to our site, to measure and do an analysis, we came up with an idea that would create a community that was all open to each other.  We used many sustainable aspects including everything from bioswales to waterless urinals.  Not only did we use specific products but we oriented the buildings to get the southern sun for passive heating and cooling.  The site included a community building that held a laundrymat, small convenience store, computer center, and a lounge.
          As for the residential areas, we wanted to produce something that could be built off site and brought onto the site and assembled.  We designed an entire modular system which give the owners choices of their layout and how much they wanted to spend.  We had multiple kitchen modules, and multiple bedroom modules (some which were master suites).  By doing this we reduce the risk of anything getting stolen, since the area the site was in was not the best.  Also this makes the building process easier since the modules can be built indoors.
***Perspective Created Using ArchiCAD***
          Below is one of the layouts for a 4 module home.  You can see the basic outline of the 4 modules and how they all fit together. 
          Again below is another way to layout the modules.  It shows a more open floor plan and how it all works together.
         Below are the presentation slides that we used for our final presentation.  We used ArchiCAD, Revit, and Photoshop to do the final boards and explain how everything works. 
Introduction of the Project
Site Plans Showing Sustainable Aspects and Living Areas
Basic Description of Each Individual Module and How They Work Together
Module Layouts
Community Center Descriptions
Sustainability Aspects Described